Monday, December 20, 2010


Wow, another post.

I'm still sick. Worse in fact. It's so not fun. I thought I was going to go shopping with my dad and sister, but that didn't get done. Ugh.

Sometimes I just want to shut off the world around me and You know? Just me, my iPod, my notebook and pencil, my crocheting. Just chill, for an hour or two a day. To shut out the idiots, flamers, a**holes, and most of all DRAMA. I can see it happening all the time at school, and it bugs the crap out of me. Me and my friend suspect another member of our group is going to drag us down into all of it. Anyway, sometimes I just want to go into my mind and chill with the figments of my imagination. Especially the characters I write about.

Which brings me to fanfiction.
I love the stuff. It's completely genius, and simply brilliant. Especially Inception fanfiction. There's so much to work with; in the dreamscape, anything can happen. And the characters! Nolan is a complete mastermind. They're all so original and fabulous.

(500) Days of Summer is one of the best movies with the best soundtrack. All the songs are really beautiful. Especially the songs by Regina Spektor. She has such a beautiful voice, and her songs are really amazing. Listen to them. Do it.


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