Saturday, September 19, 2009

News--Good and Bad

Here's the good news: yesterday, i got a camera at Target! Plus a cool blue camera bag! And the bad news: I sprained my wrist during volleyball practice a couple days ago. Now it hurts! My friend Abby at BlahBlahBubble is putting new episodes up every Saturday now!! YAY!!!


  1. Thankfully you don't have v-ball practice until Wednesday. Hopefully you'll be healed up by then.

  2. (Borat mode:) Varrry Niiice!
    I'm sure you got help choosing, but Nikon is a very good brand for cameras-- they have excellent lenses and take great pics.

    Sorry to hear about your injury. Vball is a great game, and I hope it doesn't cause you to not like it.

  3. really you did that to ur wrist, i am soo sorry. cool about ur camera though. and abby doesn't have new videos.
