My two new most favorite things in the whole world are reading/writing fanfiction and the hit movie 'Inception'!!!! So put those together and you get: a new hobby! I feel like taking a break from my original story (I've bee writing/brain storming very intensely over the past few weeks) to write some Inception fics. My favorite pairings are AriadnexArthur and ArthurxEames (as best frenemies!!!). I love both their dynamics with the characters!
You can do so much with tension, mythical creatures, superpowers, and dreams in writing. (two of which are associated with the movie. Can you guess which two?) Maybe I'll post little exerpts or updates, whatever....Either way I'm writing fanfiction!!! Muahahahahahaha!
PS: The best sites with all kinds of fanfiction are: The O-Zone, and
Thanks for the OZ plug! :-D (But most of the stuff there is rated for us older Orlando fans.)