Ever since I went to see 'Inception' with my mom and little sister, she has been ranting on about "how much of a jerk Fischer is". She seems to strongly dislike Robert Fischer Jr., Cillian Murphy's character for some odd reason. Other than she tells me that he's "awful looking and clueless because he was fooled by Eames and Cobb in a dream" we both agree that he's a good actor, which is what's keeping her from 'hating' him (she claims she just doesn't really like him), but she only doesn't like him because she thinks he's and I quote, "awful looking". Very shallow, don't you think? Let's call her, Marceline.
Now personally, I have no problem with Fischer or Cillian Murphy. He's just a character that has his own issues (I write characters with issues all the time!), and CM is a good actor so I just don't get it....And I don't think he looks awful! He's alright looking.... Anyway, I keep asking her why she is such a jerk. Just now Marceline said "his face makes me nauseous"! WHAT IS HER PROBLEM????? Marceline has such a wierd personality, so I think that's affecting her judgement of characters and actors.
On a lighter note, (*rolls eyes*) some of my other favorite actors are still being awesome. Just this week, Tom Hardy made it onto the Bullseye in EntertainmentWeekly and Joseph Gordon-Levitt...uh...is still being an awesome person. They re-showed his SNL episode a few weeks ago and it was funny!!!
Plus, I'm on a roll for my fanfiction story!!! WOOHOO!
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