Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Random Thoughts

Here I am, in my early teens, only been to two countries. TWO! That's not a lot, in case you haven't noticed! I don't feel accomplished!
I'm also super obsessed with: Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, Leo (DiCaprio, duh!), and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. All these people are very handsome, and awesome actors and I can't seem to get enough of them. In any case, I just feel like saying something about them.
I'm also in the mood for randomly ranting about things such as: -the first day of school!

As some of you may know, I start school tomorrow. Dammit! I hate the work, the stupid teachers who draw out of the dreaded stick jar (it's my decision to raise my hand and it's a free country!), and the immenseley short periods of lunch each day. *grrr* I just want to see my friends and that's it.

-my fanfiction story 'Memories Are Meant to be Forgotten'

I love writing fanfiction! Especially about Eames, my fave Inception character! But, despite my desire to upload chapter2 thanks to all the support from readers, the stupid site won't let me! I wonder if it's cause i don't have a BETA reader yet....hmmm.... life is strange, I know....

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