Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today was so fun! I went to my friend's (belated) birthday party and we went to go see New Moon. It was awesome! My bestie 'Freckles' and I were cracking up laughing! And they showed the trailer for my favorite book turned into a movie: The Lovely Bones. I am so stoked, it comes out next Friday!!! Yay!!! 'Freckles' read the first chapter (I recommended the book to her), and hated it! (in case any of you haven't read the book, the first chapter is the main character's violent/graphic death) She is still a little pissed at me because I neglected to warn her about it. I just laugh at her! (I'm not that mean, I just find it funny...) I hop you all had a nice Thanksgiving (Slapsgiving for those of you that get it)! I sure did! Now I can't wait until Christmas!!! Yay!

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