I know I've already posted today, but I was just thinking about my last year at middle school. I was remembering awful people, who betrayed my friends and me, and another one who's just plain mean and stuck up. We'll call the first ones, Tiffany/Alondra and Sasha. "Tiffany" said smack to my bestie who we'll call Ellie, and who told Ellie's crush she liked him. That pretty much ruined Ellie's life after school. "Alondra" was a beach to my other bestie Rae's crush. The two got together, broke up, then got together again, and broke up! What a whore! And she went to France and bragged about it. No one messes with my friends, then brags about Paris. The only thing that saved her pretty little face from being rearranged one day was my stupid conscience. And moral code.
And "Sasha" stereotyped me. I wear black pretty often, which is 'normal' for girls. However, I don't cut myself, or have an emo haircut. She called me goth/emo! What the hell? I seriously hated her after that. "Sasha" was already annoying before that, but this pushed me over the edge. *rolls eyes* Good riddance to them!
Another thing, I feel like I need to vent/rant. I've been out of school for a while now, but I still feel like said people were here just yesterday. They really ruined my last year with one of my besties who is now in Germany.
And I just found out that I have to ride on a goddamn bus (a BUS! I hate buses, they're like all claustrophobic and hot, and awful with random people!) to Mexico, do a bike ride, then ride back on a bus! I don't even like cycling, and to make it a little less pleasant, I found this out. But, I'm only doing this race because last April, I struck up a deal with my dad: he said that if I do this ride with him, we get to go to Paris next summer! I keep telling myself to keep my eyes on the prize, but I can't with the notion of riding on a bus. Public transportation (aside from trains, planes, and cabs) absolutely revolts me.
It must be a past life thing, because I also hate/am afraid of butterflies for no apparent reason. Buses, I hate as much as butterflies. One-the past life thing, and two-I was so claustrophobic on a field trip sitting inbetween random people I nearly had a nervous breakdown (no joke, I was hyperventilating a little bit). Even though I know I'll be with my dad and uncle, that still doesn't comfort me. My dad's fine, but my uncle is always razzing me about stuff like this. Plus, he talks...a LOT. I know I won't want to talk, especially because I won't have a chance to shower after a freaking 50 mile bike ride.
So to sum up: I hate people, I don't like buses, and I'm pissed cause I have to ride on a bus for hours, do a 50 mile bike ride, ride back on a bus for hours, and not shower after the bike ride. I have issues I know...=_=
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