Today, and last night, I went to go see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Last night at the midnight showing, it was a madhouse. The line wrapped all the way around to the back of the theater! My mom and me were almost at the end!!! But it was an awesome movie so that made it worth the wait.
It was my favorite of the Twilight books, so I was really looking forward to seeing it on the big screen! It was action-packed, fast paced and all over awesome! My new favorite character is Riley, played by Aussie actor Xavier Samuel. Not my most favorite in the book, but he grew on me in the movie (look at him! he's so cute!). And Victoria was a total b**** to him so, yeah.
Anyway, that was how my Tuesday night went...
Now I'm reading reviews on The Last Airbender. It's so sad for that movie because: 1) I feel sorry for Jackson Rathbone who was great in the Twilight Saga, and 2) THEY KILLED ONE OF THE BESTEST SHOWS!!!!! The movie ruined it all! Je vous maudis dix pli! Damn movie makers....*grr*
It was fun going to the midnight show. I'm glad we went! I liked the way they developed Riley's character. He really was brought to life in the movie. He didn't seem as significant in the book, but I think that Xavier Samuel did a great job playing him as an interesting character. And Victoria didn't deserve him! Was glad to see her character die. It's just awful reading about The Last Airbender and the reviews. Kind of heartbreaking for Jackson. It's a good thing he also has his music, along with Twilight.