Saturday, September 11, 2010

Issues of my Sister (part II)

I'm not sure if I'll make this an annual thing or not, but anyway:
Today my sister has been ranting on and on about how boring of a planet earth is, and how much she wants to study black holes and parallel universes instead of earth science (that's this year' criteria in her grade). It's been bloody annoying, and I'm so sick of it, even though I agree. But luckily, this year I'm studying astronomy for a little bit. So ha, Marceline!

And once again, I'm still obsessed with Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Inception, and Fanfiction. So awesome, so funny and so good looking! So if anyone agrees with me, please say so in the comments!

One more thing, I can't say enough how much I love the internet. It's so awesome because today I was emailing back and forth with one of my Spain! She seems so nice and awesome! She'd reply in English, and I'd reply in Spanish; both of us using Google Translator! XD

TTFN (ta ta for now!)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Once Again, I'm Not Sure What to Call This Post

I have been writing lots of fanfiction lately, and (of course *rolls eyes*) now have writer's block. That accursed disease has been eating away at my for hourse now! I'll link to my Inception fanfiction story here. It focuses on Eames, the forger, and kind of Cobb's story but with him. (Cobb and Mal, that is, except it's Eames and his wife Johanna)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Have you ever wondered who Britain's most infamous and violent prisoner was? I know I have! That's why I love the movie 'Bronson'! Actually no, but I do love the movie, I just wasn't wondering about prisoners. Anyway, a few days ago, I watched the movie 'Bronson' with Tom Hardy as Charlie Bronson (formerly known as Michael Peterson), a deranged man who robbed a post office and was sentenced to seven years time. He ended up spending thirty-four with thirty of them in solitary confinement. It was really interesting and is now one of my Top Five Fave Movies! (Go Tom!)