Monday, March 29, 2010


As you all know I am currently writing a story. But that story is temporarely put on hold till tomorrow, because i am uninspired, and pissed off. You see, I really want to see the movie "Repo Men" with Jude Law and Forest Whitaker (i think i spelled that rite), and this other movie, "Repo! The Genetic Opera", but no. Someone (i.e. my mother) won't let me 'cause they're rated 'R', and allegedly, too gorey. But, a) that's why they're rated 'r' in the first place, and b) I have a stronger stomach than her. I read books with that stuff! And c) I can watch Comedy Central, and shows with those 'viewer discretion advised' warnings at the beginning of them, but not go see an 'r' rated movie in the theater! Je la maudis dix pli! *sigh* I wish I was a grown-up, they don't have to pay attention to the ratings on movies...My story will eventually come along, but for the moment it's on a hiatus. Grrrrr....And just to worsen my already black mood, I have to give a speech tomorrow! This is not my week.


  1. Your mom is gonna be mad if she reads this.

  2. Nah, I'm good with it. Comes with the territory of being a Mom. :)
