Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school at Ivey Ranch, and MLK. I thought it would be horrible, but (surprisingly) it wasn't. I was excited about seeing my friends, but I was dreading chorus. Luckily, I'm a library aide instead (WHOOO HOOO!!!! Sorry Ily, lol). I have the best teachers; save my L.A. teacher. Any way, I am happy to see you alll!!!!!! (in person obviously)
Here's my kitty:
(I messed with iPhoto and made her black and white)
[[btw: I am buying my self a camera!! yay! finally!]]

Monday, August 24, 2009


I couldn't think of anything weird today, so please enjoy these awfully cute kitty pictures from here. Btw: check out this website. It's so fun!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Really Weird Day

Today I had the weirdest day. It started like this: I woke up and went to Trader Joe's to run errands. When I walked in the door, people were hitting a pinata. It was strange, very very strange...either way I got candy. Then I didn't think about my story until now, and didn't get on the computer till now. At Trader Joe's we bought this really strong ginger ale. It had a really strong after taste. I didn't like ALL.
Anyway, I had the idea (in my story) that a zoo could have some kind of mishap and the animals had a little run in with a nuclear waste dump and got all mutated like, and somehow got into the school (where the story takes place) and so that would be where the panda would have its cameo. What do you people think?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Suggestions and Ideas

Okay, in the first version of my story, I had some characters that were close friends of the main character. And since I redid the first chapters, I don't know how to introduce said characters. But they still have to get acquainted with the main characters. Got any suggestions?

This is one of my favorite websites. Her videos are hilarious! My favorite one is called 'Put It In Purse'. Check them all out! I just found this website recently. Isn't it cute? (it's a capybara)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pandas!!!!!! (and my story)

I know it's a little late, but a baby panda was born at the zoo!!! We won't know the name, due to the Chinese tradition of waiting a hundred days. Darn, but I hope it will be worth the wait! More good news, I'm almost done with chapters 1 and 2 of Jinxed!!! Yay, pandas!!!! Do you guys think I should give a panda a little cameo in the story?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Awesomely Gross Sculptures!

If you believe in aliens, I hope you don't expect to see these on your front yard anytime soon. Yuck!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Flies Mind Control Fire Ants

We all know of fire ants and what they do to terrorize innocent people (well your not innocent if you purposely step on a trail of them). But thanks to a vicious little fly, fire ants might have some competition.
These little flies are native to South American home ranges, right where fire ants are too. (Freckles, you're going to love this post! LOL) The female flies inject their eggs into the fire ants, where it develops into a maggot, then a larva. The larva eats the ant from the inside out, then emerges 40 days later from the hollow carcass that once was a fire ant.
Pleasant, huh? Read more here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bog Bodies

Look what i found on National! Some people snorkel in the very mud this was found in. Check it out here:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bright Flowers

Check out this cool article I found on the Pink Tentacle.

Inorganic flora

My Friends

Some of you know that my friends have blogs too. My friend Ily and my friend Abby both have blogs. Ily's is, and Abby's is
Ily's is just about her and her friends, and Abby's has funny videos. Please check out their blogs too!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

As some of you may know, I am writing a story that i hope to one day get published. It is called Jinxed. Right now, i am on chapter1. It's coming along...slowly...
Anyway... anything exciting going on with you people?

Welcome to my Blog!

Hey People!
Thanks for dropping by my site! Here you can hear about my life.
Next week I'm planning to go to Catalina Island. I am sooo excited, because we planned to go yesterday but the boat was all sold out. I've heard it's awesome!