I just found this website on the pink tentacle! It is a Japanese genetic enhancement called Nippon Shin Eisei (Japan New Health). The site can only be viewed once before an error message, so look closely. The site intro is centered around a genetically- altered girl named Junko. I'm not sure what they mean by 'genetically altered', but I'm going to dig deeper.
From the site:
"For countless millenia, humans have evolved unconsciously, spreading out to populate the world. For the first time ever, we may glimpse out long genetic inheritance... And from it, we may plot the path by which we wish to continue. Junko is the first child of her type ever to be born. She and the other Junsui are the children of ALL mankind. Through the new technology of genetic target augmentation, Junko has been gifted with only the most optimal human alleles. Junsui are the best of all we have ever been, and therefore represent the best way of coping with an uncertain future."
Is that wierd or what? I have no idea what it means, but...intriguing! The Nippon Shin Eisei company claims to allow customers the latest new gene enhancing technology to ensure the best possible future for their unborn children.
Hmmm...i wonder what it costs? (or maybe I don't even want to know)
here to find out more!